JPMorgan Sustainable Consumption ETF (NYSEARCA:CIRC – Get Rating) shares were down 1.3% during mid-day trading on Wednesday . The company traded as low as $50.06 and last traded at $50.06. Approximately 403 shares were traded during mid-day trading, an increase of 230% from the average daily volume of 122 shares. The stock had previously closed […]
JPMorgan Sustainable Consumption ETF (NYSEARCA:CIRC – Get Rating) traded down 0.8% during mid-day trading on Tuesday . The stock traded as low as $51.11 and last traded at $51.11. 7 shares traded hands during trading, a decline of 94% from the average session volume of 122 shares. The stock had previously closed at $51.52. JPMorgan […]
general to investigate a former trump aide who s been circ circulating so-called suspicious activity reports about hunter biden s banking transactions, and this person admitted that he got them from an insider at jpmorgan chase according to this letter, and so the biden team is questioning whether bank secrecy laws have been violated. they re also asking congress to sanction marjorie taylor greene over some inflammatory statements she has made about hunter biden on that one i think the issue here is get in line. who hasn t marjorie taylor greene made you know, maligned but it s really interesting because it s part of the strategy that goes back to february where they came out swinging and they asked rudy giuliani and others to preserve records over potential theft of data from that infamous hunter biden laptop they also threatened now former fox news host tucker carlson with defamation, reportedly not everyone in the white house is thrilled with this strategy because every day that h
it s a fascinating military l jack keen with china going intot something else. it s not notable what is goi, whether it s a year, two years,t what is noble is that our militt should be. and that brings us full circ, becomes one of our enemies and y market, brings us back to climad batteries to fight climate chan. no, you re right. we don t no chinese in any of the critical d states, we need to make taiwan y have amazing defenses the chine,