The show, to be aired from June 1, features six women who are not hidebound by rules: Nina Ali, Chanel Ayan, Caroline Brooks, Dr. Sara Al Madani, Lesa Milan and Caroline Stanbury. In the early noughties, the Real Housewives global reality TV franchise was launched in the United States on the Bravo network. It featured the lives of women who had loads of cash, influence and power, who lived glamorous lives.
Filmmaker Alankrita Shrivastava and co-producers Vikas Sharma and Sunny Khanna, have acquired the rights to 'The Sensational Life and Death of Qandeel Baloch' by Sanam Maher, a book published by Aleph.
British inflation surged last month to its highest annual rate since 1982, pressuring finance minister Rishi Sunak to offer more help for households and the Bank of England (BoE) to keep raising interest rates despite a risk of recession.