Daily Times
April 12, 2021
Honorable Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal, Chairman NAB said that corruption is a method and a technique adopted just to bypass the rule of law and engulf the whole system into socio economic turmoil. Furthermore, corruption, being the root cause of almost all ills, gives birth to multifarious problems including nepotism, favoritism and negating meritocracy, transparency and accountability. He said that NAB’s effective Awareness and Prevention Strategy has started yielding excellent results which was appreciated by the World Economic Forum in order to aware people about the ill effects of corruption.
The Chairman NAB said that due to the initiatives taken by the present management of NAB, eradication of corruption has become the voice of the whole nation. Transparency International Pakistan has also appreciated NAB’s performance whereas the survey conducted by Gillani and Gallop, 59 percent people have shown trust upon NAB. It was informed in the meeting tha
the north korean government furious at president obama, following the release of that movie the interview, which was widely seen since its release christmas day. here is part of the statement release today from pyongyang. quote, u.s. president obama is the culprit who forced sony pictures entertainment to release the movie and blackmailing cinema houses and theaters in the u.s. mainland to distribute the movie. our michelle kosinski is in hawaii where the first family is on holiday vacation. i wonder michelle after north korea and the statement calling the president arrogant and a gangster is the white house even acknowledging it? reporter: no. they re not making any response this time. i mean this kind of odd back and forth started last week when first the u.s. put out a statement blaming north korea. north korea said we didn t do it. the u.s. needs to apologize. the u.s. said that north korea
even personally insulted president obama. reporter: we knew pyongyang would be furious about the release of the interview movie. sure enough they haven t disappointed. we have a statement from the all powerful national defense commission. the fact that it s come from such a powerful institution within north korea shows how seriously the regime is taking this issue. now, they re not just blaming sony pictures for releasing the movie. they re also blaming personally the u.s. president barack obama. let s read a little bit of a statement. and it says, u.s. president obama is the chief culprit who forced the sony pictures entertainment to indiscrimina indiscriminately release the movie and took the lead in appeasing and blackmailing cinema houses and theater. they have personal insults for barack obama saying he s reckless in words and deeds like a monk ne a tropical forest. that s not the first time they ve insulted the u.s. president personally. they ve insulted many leaders