Nolde and Fortmiller live at the corner of Liberty Square and Sargent roads . It s worrisome having vans come around that corner, Nolde said. It s a very dangerous intersection. It s a blind corner.
Turning restrictions
The Littleton Select Board approved a host community agreement with proponents of the Last Mile Amazon facility, under construction at 151-153 Taylor St.
A last-mile facility delivers within a 45-mile radius. Amazon has grown its last-mile delivery efforts helping to speed up delivery times.
The Littleton Planning Board approved special permitting for the project. Many Boxborough residents, Nolde included, attended the Planning Board s virtual hearings.
One condition of the host community agreement and the special permit is a left-turn restriction at the facility, allowing a right-hand turn only for local deliveries.
Same plan, new site
The board voted to approve the site, but reserved the board s right to institute certain conditions. These conditions include operational hours, and requirements for fencing and lighting.
Proponent David Giannetta, president and chief executive officer of Community Care Collective, Inc., seeks to locate the facility at 537 Ayer Road. The proposal is also before the Planning Board for a special permit.
In accordance with the vote, the board may address these conditions following a required community outreach meeting.
Town Counsel Christopher Heep said the proposal is essentially the same as one executed about a year ago, for a site at 531 King St.
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LITTLETON A plan to use herbicides to remove an invasive plant at Smith Conservation Land is causing worries about potential consequences, including to wildlife and drinking water.
Sudbury Valley Trustees representatives outlined the plan at a Littleton Select Board meeting on Dec. 7, held virtually due to coronavirus restrictions.
The Select Board asked that the organization delay implementing the plan until an expected recertification of chemicals, including of an herbicide included in the plan.
A recertification is expected early in 2021.
Laura Mattei, the organization s stewardship director, said they will take the Select Board s request under advisement and respond by the week s end.