In 2022, Fort Worth became the 13th most populous city in America while maintaining the rank of the fifth most populated within the state. In theory, one would believe Fort Worth to be buzzing with an energetic and tantalizing dining scene full of new openings and news of upcoming openings, but, sitting in the shadow
A 93-year Tex-Mex landmark moved, and a 75-year-old steakhouse went up for sale. Some restaurants closed because of slumping business or staff shortages, but often the owners simply retired.
“You get a line / I’ll get a pole / We’ll go down to the crawdad hole, honey” is easily the most popular song lyric about crawfish, a.k.a. “lobsters of the ditch,” which are dumped upon newspaper-covered foldout tables in restaurants or at backyard boils every spring. And when the stars align, the good eatin’ often