In 2009, a beloved Michigan Music series was born on the historic stage of The Playhouse at White Lake, titled First Fridays. In 2023, this popular Made in Michigan concert
The Summer Theatre Festival at The historic Playhouse at White Lake features their youngest performers over the weekend of July 28, 29 and 30. In celebration of their 50th anniversary,
The Summer Theatre Festival at The Playhouse at White Lake continues their eight weekends of entertainment, offering one afternoon of free live music Saturday, July 22, from 1 to 5
The Summer Theatre Festival at The Playhouse at White Lake offers a musical this season, Honky Tonk Angels. Honky Tonk Angels is directed by Michelle Kiessel with showtimes July 14-15
College students from the Central Michigan University (CMU) Theatre program have been performing at The Playhouse at White Lake for so long that no one seems to remember when the