Havana, April 27 (Prensa Latina) Reports on the potential of travel related to health and quality of life will be strongly debated on at upcoming 42nd International Tourism Fair (FITCuba 2024), scheduled for May 1 to 5.
From our Bureau of Communist Musical Chairs with some assistance from our Bureau of Communist Approaches to Problem Solving Another one bites the dust. This time it's Manuel René Pérez Gallego who has been “liberated” from his responsibilities in the province of Las Tunas. He is being replaced by René Pérez Gallego. This is Castro,
A Cuban human rights group is sounding the alarm over dangerous tuberculosis outbreaks recorded in five prisons in communist Cuba. The inmates in these prisons are also suffering from malnutrition, multiplying the horrors of the Castro dictatorship's prisons. Via Martí Noticias (my translation): Center for Human Rights warns of tuberculosis outbreak in at least five
From our Sweet Smell of Purges in the Morning Bureau with some assistance from our Bureau of Communist Musical Chairs Castro, Inc. has a fever, and the only prescription is purging, purging, purging. Twice this week, Communist Party leaders have been sacked. By now, no one can deny the pattern. Every week, one by one,