Hillsong founder Brian Houston is stepping aside from church leadership to fight a charge of illegally concealing child sexual abuse by his late father.
yesterday, he met david on several occasions. a six seven year old and nine year old child trying get their head around why this man who had loved their community and met with him had now gone. ispared loved their community and met with him had now gone. i spared them the details. to be fair, david had a strong christian faith of his own that was well spoken about at the vigil at the catholic church yesterday. i was able to share my reflections on him and his personal faith, and the way that that interacted with him and the politics that he had and shared. i guess for us it is extremely difficult in the immediate aftermath of such a tragedy to speak words of hope, but this morning my inbox is full of church ministers and community leaders asking what they can do in solidarity with the community. i know that there are services over the weekend across the whole town, paying tribute to david. there will be places where others can light
full of church ministers and community leaders asking what they can do in solidarity with the community. i know that there are services over the weekend across the whole town paying tribute to david. there will be places where others can light candles. and we can offer sincere and heartfelt prayer. but in the immediate aftermath, it is extremely difficult to express hope. david s cope was on his faith, and we believe that he has hope beyond this life. and as all do who love the lord jesus. so we express some of that, but i appreciate for those who do not share david s faith, this is an extremely difficult time. we will be there in whatever way we can. ~ ., ., . will be there in whatever way we can. ~ ., ., can. well, throughout the day so far, can. well, throughout the day so far. minute can. well, throughout the day so far. minute by can. well, throughout the day so far, minute by minute, can. well, throughout the day so far, minute by minute, hour- can. well, throughout the da
time when you must be struggling to make sense of it all, what can you offer the community here by way of words of reassurance and comfort. thank you. i mean, ifound it hard to explain it to my own children yesterday, he met david on several occasions. a seven year old and a nine year old child trying to get their head around why this man that had loved their community and met with them had now gone. you know, i spared them the details, but in the way that he had, it is so tragic. to be fair, david had a strong christian faith of his own. it was well spoken about at the vigil, at the catholic church yesterday. and i was able to share my reflections on him and his personalfaith, the way that that interacted with him and the politics he had and shared. i guess for us it is extremely difficult in the immediate aftermath of such a tragedy to speak words of hope, but this morning my inbox is full of church ministers and
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Una de las consecuencias del cambio de ministros en el Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez, que ha afectado, entre otros, a la hasta ahora vicepresidenta primera y a los titulares de Presidencia, Justicia, Educación y Asuntos Exteriores, es que
cambia también la interlocución del día a día con la Iglesia Católica.
Según fuentes de la Conferencia Episcopal consultadas por RC, que quieren ser, de momento, cautas, en la nueva situación no parece que se vayan a facilitar las cosas. El cambio de interlocutores no favorece a la Iglesia por varias razones, entre otras porque ya existía un conocimiento y un hábito de trabajo con el anterior equipo.