over the head. i don t know what he s talking about.w one thing he does seem to be talking about is that the government needs to be spending more money. i d like to suggest this. every person who wants better care for the poor, which i do, more food for those whote are hungry, i want that, too, i want to know, what is your own personal contribution to your church c like? because people who don t give a dime out of every dollar to their church to meet people s needs are going to end up paying 50 cents out of every dollar to the government and wanting the government to do it. it was never the intent of the t government, never the scope of the role of them to do charity work. for that ought to be the work of christians. so forou these people who tell e how to be a christian, i just want to know what your personal giving would look like and are you practicing what you are preaching? because i would be pretty doggone important. laura: governor, buttigieg also says you are not really a chr