JTBC’s “The One and Only” has shared an intriguing sneak peek of its final two episodes! “The One and Only” is a unique drama starring Ahn Eun Jin, Red Velvet‘s Joy, and Kang Ye Won as three terminally ill women who meet at a hospice. They decide that before they die, they want to take
JTBC’s “The One and Only” is proving to be a unique, must-watch drama! “The One and Only” is a romance drama starring Ahn Eun Jin, Red Velvet’s Joy, and Kang Ye Won as Pyo In Sook, Sung Mi Do, and Kang Se Yeon, three terminally ill women who meet at a hospice. They decide that before they die, they want
Only four episodes left of “The One and Only,” and the tension continues to build! “The One and Only” is a unique romance drama starring Ahn Eun Jin, Red Velvet’s Joy, and Kang Ye Won as three terminally ill women who meet at a hospice. They decide that before they die, they want to take down one bad guy before
As the show heads into its second half, things are heating up in JTBC’s “The One and Only.” “The One and Only” is a unique romance drama starring Ahn Eun Jin, Red Velvet‘s Joy, and Kang Ye Won as three terminally ill women who meet at a hospice. They decide that before they die, they want to take down
Ahn Eun Jin, Kang Ye Won and Red Velvet Joy’s thought-evoking melodrama “The One and Only” is now finally entering its second half! Here’s what to anticipate in the drama that will certainly make viewers laugh and weep! #TheOneandOnly #OnlyOnePerson #AhnEunJin #KangYeWon #RedVelvetJoy #RedVelvet #Joy