I will be back in 6 hours. Exactly 1400. In the mean time, you can occupy yourselves scrubbing that tub, and thats an order. Yes, sir. What a dirty deal. That no good fink. He cant do this to us. After 14 months of fighting with the japanese youd think theyd give us a couple of hours off to wrestle with the french. Oh, sir, i already had my new target for the night lined up, my pen pal fifi. What a bum break. Some navy. Hey, skip, where do you go to resign . All right, all right, cool it, will ya . Yeah, the skippers right. You cant disobey a direct order. Thats correct. When an officer of the navy gives you an order, you dont question it, you obey it. Now, binghamton gave me an order. And im going to give you swabs one. Commencing right now you got 3 hours liberty. Now get out of here and stay out of trouble. Skip, you cant do that. [cheers] [laughter] come on, you guys. Have a heart, you guys, i havent got time to have a drink. My pen pal fifi is waiting. So, let her wait. You got to
What do you do during the rainy season in Ohio? You catch a state-record blue catfish! That’s what 15-year-old Jaylynn Parker of New Richmond Ohio did while fishing with her father, Chuck Parker. The father and daughter team were checking jug lines in a creek that is connected to the Ohio River. When the river […]