[captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicaprg] welelcome to dense news. Ivago muradn. Overwhelmingly confirmed byhe senate, ash carter will succeed chuck hagel as the nations new defense secretary. The change comes as Congress Considers thehe obama administrations 2016 budget request. It seeks 51 billion touppo operations in afghanistan andd elsewhwhere. The request is bilon more than current bget caps allowed. Unless they make a deal by the end of the year, the pentagon could fa devastating spepending cuts known as sequestration. The pentagon wants to velopp new weapons, improve reaeadiness an increase in operations rldwide. Here to tell us whetr congress will give dod more moneys our rodtable. Johnhn bentt, fense news congressional edtor. An of the center for strategic and international ststudiess. Mackenzie eaglen of the and a price institute, and loren thompson. Welcome back to the show. Welcome