reason. there are real philosophical differences. the reason we have democrats and republicans, we believe in different things. we agree that there must be some sensible common ground. i think spending more time will help us find some common ground. that the american people want us to focus on their jobs. the american people want us to create jobs. wow, sounding so what? friends, like friends. alike. good morning everyone. it s wednesday, december 1st. welcome to morning joe. with us onset, msnbc and time magazine senior political analyst mark halperin and editor and chief of the daily beast and new editor and chief of newsweek tina brown back on the show. it s a rainy, awful day in new york. it is. absolutely miserable. let s go down to the plaza. a huge show. wasn t that pretty last night? we ve got a big show this morning. white house press secretary robert gibbs mr. be here to gloat about auburn. former florida governor jeb bush will be on