constructive had to come out of it and we had to elevate suicide. sometimes it s chronic pain as it was in his case. sometimes it is a quick something that happens in somebody s life. yes, that s what we hear. yes, and somebody s spouse asks for a divorce, and i ve spoken to people who were in exactly that kind of situation. but for me it was just really important that i use my public platform to try to bring shed some light on this. well, let s talk about this because is there something that can be done by government to help people who are in distress, who are feeling serious chronic depression and are ready to do something like your partner did? i believe there s something that can be done by government. and i also believe there s something that can be done by all of us. as far as the government s role in it, it is to support and give the resources necessary for communities and families and
people to to fight this illness and this epidemic. and, you know, we can do things as simple as a bill that s currently pending that i ve cosponsored, a three digit number for a suicide hot line as opposed to there isn t one now. no three digit number. there s a long ten digit number that i can t even remember as i sit here now. so i think that s a really simple fix. what happens when you have a person like alcoholic anonymous has a program where you re about to go drink and you shouldn t because it s going to take you back to where you shouldn t be, you call up somebody. what would it be the appropriate situation for someone feeling really serious chronic depression? well, you know, the problem is we don t talk about chronic depression. alcoholics anonymous has done a terrific job over the years in dealing with alcoholism. we don t have anything similar for people who are suffering from terrible depression, which is brought on by all different kinds of things.
i picked them up. look. those are all dead. but the cockroaches are hardly danielle s only problem. for years she s been coping with chronic depression. i take medicine, too. i have been refusing to take them. i take tone max for mood swings and celexa for depression and another drug for my concentration, and i m not taking them because i ve been fed [ bleep ] owl my life, that i m crazy or like, not crazy but i have psychological problems and i m going to try to prove to my family that i can have a job without medicine to help me. danielle has become increasingly depressed about her situation, and she says stopping her medication may be compounding the problem. everything is overwhelming right now, especially when you don t have mom and dad toe pay for you no more. imagine being 41 right now and not having a place to stay and being in my situation, really don t have nothing, no one or anything. that would suck.
arrested rescue crews say the miners could emerge any time. a college education program will be launched for prisoners. governor cuomo wants to reduce in the prison population. it could offer both associates and bachelor s degrees. bullying may have a lasting impact on the health of children the sacramento bee. victims of bullying suffer from mental and physical health issues. the study shows these problems can persist for years after bullying subsides. victims also suffer from chronic depression and low self-worth. the new york times.
measures and against crime. is that your point? the gangsters are not rolling their eye and say oh great, another bullet tax. i am going to stop killing at this po nie t. point. it is too expense tiff. that started off as a chris rock bet. now it is actual politics. it is like $200 a bullet. but it goes to your point, no criminal will pay $200 a bullet. why would they care? they are criminals? how are you going to regulate how many bullets they buy? i have no idea. let s move on. from side arms to sidekicks, do they not respect her squeaky pet? i love this story. a michigan school reached a $40,000 settlement with a student who sued to keep an on campus guinea pig. she suffers from chronic depression and says the furry friend helps her cope with physical and emotional issues. grand valley state university violated the federal housing rules. it is like where archie went.