ChromaDex Co. (NASDAQ:CDXC – Get Rating) Director Frank L. Jaksch, Jr. acquired 7,000 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction dated Monday, June 12th. The stock was purchased at an average cost of $1.69 per share, with a total value of $11,830.00. Following the transaction, the director now owns 231,339 shares of the company’s […]
ChromaDex Co. (NASDAQ:CDXC – Get Rating) – Stock analysts at HC Wainwright cut their Q2 2023 earnings per share estimates for ChromaDex in a research report issued to clients and investors on Monday, June 5th. HC Wainwright analyst R. Selvaraju now anticipates that the company will earn ($0.05) per share for the quarter, down from […]
ChromaDex Co. (NASDAQ:CDXC – Get Rating) Director Steven D. Rubin bought 7,000 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, May 25th. The shares were acquired at an average price of $1.46 per share, with a total value of $10,220.00. Following the transaction, the director now directly owns 7,000 shares of […]
ChromaDex Co. (NASDAQ:CDXC – Get Rating) was the recipient of a large decrease in short interest in the month of March. As of March 31st, there was short interest totalling 1,620,000 shares, a decrease of 11.0% from the March 15th total of 1,820,000 shares. Based on an average trading volume of 190,900 shares, the days-to-cover […]
ChromaDex Co. (NASDAQ:CDXC – Get Rating) was the target of a significant decrease in short interest in March. As of March 31st, there was short interest totalling 1,620,000 shares, a decrease of 11.0% from the March 15th total of 1,820,000 shares. Based on an average trading volume of 190,900 shares, the short-interest ratio is currently […]