Earth’s most economically vulnerable people are key to conservation success for carnivores. Unfortunately, they are also the most at risk when human needs come in conflict with wildlife
The News Scroll 20 July 2021
Last Updated at 5:59 pm | Source: PTI
One of the most damaging invasive species on Earth’: wild pigs release the same emissions as 1 million cars each year Outlook July 20, 2021 17:59 IST One of the most damaging invasive species on Earth’: wild pigs release the same emissions as 1 million cars each year 1970-01-01T05:30:00+0530
By Christopher J. O Bryan, Eve McDonald-Madden,Jim Hone, Matthew H. Holden, Nicholas R Patton
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Melbourne, Jul 20 (The Conversation) Whether you call them feral pigs, boar, swine, hogs, or even razorbacks, wild pigs are one of the most damaging invasive species on Earth, and they’re notorious for damaging agriculture and native wildlife.
The short-eared rock wallaby (Petrogale brachyotis) of northern Australia has nearly 20 per cent of its habitat within Indigenous peoples’ lands (Credit: Micha Jackson). 21 January 2021 Indigenous peoples’ lands may harbour a significant proportion of threatened and endangered species globally, according to University of Queensland-led research. UQ’s Dr Chris O’Bryan and his team conducted the first comprehensive analysis of land mammal composition across mapped Indigenous lands. “These lands cover more than one-quarter of the Earth, of which a significant proportion is still free from industrial-level human impacts,” Dr O’Bryan said. “As a result, Indigenous peoples and their lands are crucial for the long-term persistence of the planet’s biodiversity and ecosystem services.