Jan. 21 dispositions
Fled from a peace officer in a motor vehicle, second or subsequent offense (Class C felony) – Clesston Lyle Smith, 28, 39th Avenue NE, Wyatt Apartments 5112, one year and one day, first serve 113 days, credit for 113 days served and 16 days off sentence for good behavior, two years supervised probation, $400 criminal administration fee, $100 defense/facility administration fee, $25 victim-witness fee.
Domestic violence causing bodily injury, second or subsequent offense (Class A misdemeanor) – Todd Daniel Frank, 50, 2045 5th Street NW, Apt. 4, 360 days, first serve 30 days, defendant will be permitted to serve sentence in increments and must pay a $20 booking fee each time he is admitted to the jail, 360 days supervised probation, have no contact with victim, complete domestic violence offenders course, $200 criminal administration fee, $100 defense/facility administration fee, $25 victim-witness fee.