This book brings together materials which DArcangelo had assembled into a work binder before he died. The result is that the book sits a bit uneasily between a facsimile and an artist monograph, between the hands of the editors and the hands of the artist.
He’s spent his whole life waiting for luck, looking for signs of it with a kind of fatalism, and he supplements this fatalism with the best skills of a shrewd hunter and gatherer, picking up booty like me. Bruce Benderson, The Romanian: Story of an ObsessionYOU COULD SAY, couldn’t you, that André Cadere’s métier was incompatibility?The incompatibility of the exile, of the emigrant?The incompatibility of border-crossing?Of trespassing?Of crashing the party?Incompatibility, even, with Romania, where he was born the son of a diplomat who was arrested in 1952, then convicted, without a trial, of