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Rez opportunity right I mean why not go for the looks fun or try the Save the thing now to the southern thing as well so when I became a Christian. And so mean a great watch out the devil s going to tempt you and I m like. The devil new seat does can attempt to how will I know when I m being tempted they said you ll know so next time in high school so this is you know 10 years ago. And a few more so I go to class in high school and there s this girl I ve noticed this girl trust me she never noticed me very pretty girl sat toward the front of the class and so after the class is over I m number making this up this girl comes walking up to me and says hi what s your name and I momentarily forgot my name I was so stunned by her beauty and her blue eyes I m just like I m not really sure what my name is and I have no idea why you are even talking to me and then I was like a Christian I had my Bible there and I had a little Jesus pin on hand and she s talking to me in and she says you know y
Vacation and clearly nasty lewdness I had Idolatries saw Sori patriot contentions jealousies outbursts of Wrath selfish ambitions dissensions and heresies envy murder drunkenness reveries and the like of which I tell you beforehand just as I told you in the past that those who practice such things were not inherit the kingdom of God but the for the Spirit is love joy peace longsuffering kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control against such there is no law and those who are in crisis have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires well live in the spirit so let us also walk in the spirit this is the word of the Lord thanks be to God our reading we just read was from goal ations chapter 5 verses 16 to 26 grace mercy and peace beyond to you from God our Father and from the Lord in the Savior Jesus Christ man had a question for you maybe this is one of your favorite songs during the Christmas time and maybe it s one that you sing many a times you know at home I got a
a. Michael w. Smith come worship the king Jude 25 from the 2007 album glory revealed the Word of God and worship I have the situation where I often can t remember who are just who I was talking to when I told somebody something is that with a juror that I talk so much. David comes along with you I was telling someone that I really one of my favorite contemporary Christian singers of all time is Michael Duffy a smith just the consistent testimony he s had and they the excitement he brought to that Christian music and young people in the eighty s just really appreciate Michael to be a smith. More great praise and worship music on the way for have been your music with 10th Avenue North Bryan Derksen and Katherine Scott right now Jason Gray I m going to let it go to jail itself go to 3 Lincoln got it comes to. Me. Thing is the to. Sleep. Alone. But I suppose. If I lose my group I can see. It s you I carry. On. The. Just about anywhere you go on the western slope you can tune into local
It s most powerful Christian voice. Inspiring your Saturday your 2 am 6 of Calle t t k o t t h d come or city them and don t know if I m at the 95 point one and streaming world was at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. Today and family talk. Welcome everyone to this edition of family dog k. Listeners supported Ministry I m Dr James Dobson and I hope you know how much we appreciate your listening along with us for your cause and prayers and your support each day we should be thankful to be an American at least that s the way I feel about it from deep within my soul the opportunities the freedoms and blessings of this nation are matched throughout the world and I might even say throughout the history of the world unfortunately today the liberties that our founders ensured for us are under siege from a progressive culture that leftist culture you and I have a responsibility to protect this nation s Christian heritage and to stand for morality and decency and biblical truth in a moment we re going t