points at wal-marts. judge jeanine: send mobile crisis teams out. mike: i have no problem to make sure that people can vote. i should have to show the photo i.d. so my vote is legitimate and legal otherwise you disenfranchise my vote by letting an illegal person vote. judge jeanine: eric holder fast and furious where we sent guns to the mexican drug cartels. eric holder trying to block the voter i.d. law. had him recommending the 9/11 terrorist trials be tried down the street here and with the christmas day bomber mirandaizes him in 50 minutes and then the military people can t interrogate him. is he an alba cross i albatrosn election year around obama s neck? mike: i think he is. i think it would be a great benefit to the president. the only thing that eric holder is doing right now is creating a lightning rod that takes some pressure off of the president
american people. you are saying they haven t done spit. met like a handful of times and whatever the reason is for the rise in the oil prices we have got another bogus committee where we have got eric holder in charge, a guy who botched fast and furious. he is the guy who told the president to close guantanamo and give the christmas day bomber his miranda rights stopping us from getting intelligence and wanted the 9/11 terrorists tied in new york city. is he hapless or just plain stupid? we don t have a conviction yet or indictment over the whole financial scandal from 2008. but the big thing here is that contrary to what your other guest is saying speculation plays a role. that is not just public citizens saying that. that is goldman sachs.
those things you outlined from gitmo to underwear bomber. interest is someone dead fast and furious. atf agent who was killed. at some point does eric holder need to go? well, listen, either there is enormous incompetence underlings not ininforming him which is simply not believable or is he completely complicit in this not telling the truth. either way it s a bad situation for the justice department. you are a former attorney at the department of justice. thanks so much for joining us with your insight. great to be here. herman cain says his 999 plan is just what americans need. critics say it comes at a high price. we have a fair and balanced debate on 999 next. plus, thousands of companies hiring holiday help. if you want to turn that temp job into a permanent position, stick around, we have the tips that will keep you employed long after the holidays.
mark writes about could be explained not only through incompetence but more likely through ideological reason. when you talk about each one of these decisions, also mark basically classifies them as controversies, let s go through some of these where all roads seem to lead back to eric holder. let s go through them in 2009, of course, you will remember that there was the announcement that gitmo was going to be closed. that never happened. that, perhaps, started with eric holder. in 2009, you will remember holder wanted to reopen the criminal investigations, in fact, did he into the cia interrogators, whether they were going to be criminally prosecuted. in 2009, you will remember that the miranda warning was read to the christmas day bomber. that was eric holder s idea. in 2009, of course, he attempted to try the 9/11 mastermind ksm in new york city. that had a huge backlash. and now, of course, operation fast and furious and that scandal. at some point does the president need to dist