or healthcare as they go away for a break. a new talk of possible plan b. repeal now, replace later. let s bring in katrina pearson. christina pearson. she recovers congress, our corporate covers at the wall street journal. there s a story today online at wsj.com about republicans battling each other. is there something real here or is this just talk from the right? it s hard to tell at this point. the conservative senators are uneasy with where the bills is. it s hard to tell if mitch mcconnell will get the 50 votes he needs. shepard: he will have to get some votes eventually. it s a crucial part of the president s legislative agenda. have they come up with a way to bring democrats over at some point? it s been discussed. we re not at that point yesterday. if mcconnell can t get the votes, there s a widespread
there s a concern about how they can effect people around 55 that would be on medicare. christina pearson from the wall street journal, happy fourth. enjoy. same to you. shepard: thank you. president trump meeting with the south korean. and giving a real warning to north korea. as the united states draws up new war plans of sorts against the north koreans, our close ally in south korean may not be on the same page at all. why that country s new leader needs to be cautious in his dealings with president trump. why is that? an explanation is next. today, we re out here with some big news about type 2 diabetes. you have type 2 diabetes, right? yes. so let me ask you this. how does diabetes affect your heart? it doesn t, does it? actually, it does. type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or stroke.
you say he d probably, that means everyone s trying to guess here. here we are at this junction, months away from the primary and caucus and we don t know specifics from a lot of candidates, not just donald trump. exactly. he s the only one that puts forth policies and says, we have to come to the table. we have to negotiate. we have to re-do certain things. he has put forth his ideas and his vision. everybody else is just running against trump. there is no policy or vision they want to put out and talk about several different last word, bob? okay, the last word i would say is on his policy on syria, here was his answer. i m going to sit back and watch what happens. if that s a policy, then i m surprised. that was the policy when russia decided to go in and murder christians. with three days away from the last gop political debate of this year, we ll see and hear if there are more specifics on all of these, and especially as it pertains to national security. that should
republican candidates. chris christie, lindsey graham, who are calling this really almost a test of leadership that someone should make sure to correct the record, holding up that now-famous example of john mccain in 2008, he was really caught in the same sort of situation. he corrected that voter saying, no, ma am, no, ma am, obama is not a muslim. jim? sunlen serfaty in mackinaw, thanks for joining us today. i want to bring in someone who says donald trump did nothing wrong after those anti-muslim remarks. she is christina pearson, spokesperson for the tea party leadership. thank you for taking the time on your weekend. hi, jim, great to be you. so katrina, early on, you and other trump supporters say he did not hear the questioner. we didn t hear that there trump today. trump didn t claim he didn t hear the remarks. his argument, his line was, in effect, that it s not his position to challenge those remarks. did he hear what the questioner was asking? i think you could tell