As Covid-19 stretched across the globe like an itchy blanket, the world went into a flurry. Businesses had little time to prep, sending employees home for an unknown amount of time. Those that could work from home did, continuing to fulfil the roles and achieve their targets from the comfort of the couch. While many have long fantasised of remote working, it seems that the dream is coming to an end – at least for some. In countries like the United States – where a large chunk of the population have received their vaccines – people are faced with the possibility of returning to the office. While many (understandably so) don’t want to face the reality of office life and the dreadful commute that goes with it, others are seemingly happy to make a return. While the idea of working from home gels well with many, for others, it simply doesn’t work. Speaking to Rachel Feintzeig of The Wall Street Journal, Dr Ashley Whillans says a commute can actually work as a transition between