More students than ever are homeschooling in England something advocates are celebrating. But a court ruling that grants local officials more power to restrict home education has prompted advocates to seek a new legislative approach.
More students than ever are homeschooling in England something advocates are celebrating. But a court ruling that grants local officials more power to restrict home education has prompted advocates to seek a new legislative approach.
A mother who wants to permanently home-educate her children has launched a High Court challenge against a bullying local authority which she claims is trying to force them to go to school.
Christina Goodred, a member of the Portsmouth Home Educators Group (PHEG), believes Portsmouth City Council is acting unlawfully by saying her children should be in school despite the parents meeting home-schooling requirements.
This does not refer to parents who are educating children at home because of the pandemic, but to those who permanently do not send their children to school.
Ms Goodred has now instructed solicitors Irwin Mitchell to investigate her concerns and to apply to the High Court for a judicial review to challenge the council s policy and how it applies it.