MITCHELL - Who will be crowned the 2023 Persimmon Festival Queen - Ten young ladies will be competing for the title. The Pageant is scheduled for Sunday, September 24th at 1:00 p.m. at Mitchell High School auditorium. There is a $2.00 admission fee. Judges will select a queen and three princesse .
featuring inspirational stories about ame i looked out my window. i seen black smoke coming up outta big old fire. announcer: a hotheaded ex. judge judy: did he tell you why he was burning her things? he was angry with her and she had it coming. judge judy: what was the argument about? she ran off with her ex-boyfriend for the weekend. announcer: but their relationship had already flamed out. i broke up with him. i wasn t running around with my ex-boyfriend. yes, you were. judge judy: you just shouted out. i had something to say. judge judy: j not unless i ask you. announcer: judge judy. you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. christina asbury is suing her ex-boyfriend, stephen owens jr., for stealing her property and setting her clothes on fire. byrd: order! all rise! this is case number 494 on the calendar in the matter of asbury vs. owens.