Mass shutdowns began in earnest around this time a year ago.Credit.Marie Eriel Hobro for The New York Times
Counting the cost
Today marks one year since the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a pandemic. The scale of the upheaval since then is difficult to capture, but some extraordinary numbers tell the tale…
The most important figures of all: More than
118 million cases of Covid-19 have been reported worldwide, and more than
2.6 million deaths. Around
In the U.S. alone, there have been more than 29 million cases, nearly 530,000 deaths and around 94 million doses administered.
The U.S. government is set to spend over
Churchill Work Owned by Angelina Jolie Brings $11.5 Million at Christie’s
The painting, “Tower of the Koutoubia Mosque,” was a gift to Jolie by Brad Pitt and is believed to be Churchill’s only World War II-era landscape.
Winston Churchill’s “Tower of the Koutoubia Mosque,” which was auctioned on Monday.Credit.Frank Augstein/Associated Press
By Scott Reyburn
March 2, 2021
LONDON A painting first owned by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and now being sold by the actress Angelina Jolie, elevated the art of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to a new price league at auction at Christie’s on Monday.