A lot of anxious queries and. They found viruses related to the corona virus in chinese baths onset of the virus and of pasta to humans but its not that simple. There intermediate hosts and we dont know their identity yet are native bots and nothing to do with us. Biologist warns against taking nest boxes down out of fear bats are vital for our ecosystem in areas like pest control in 2007 together with the virologist Christians Poston Florian carried out a study on the bats in the cult back caves in a bag they found coronavirus in the bats there but a harmless for. Didnt was and as there were lots of a very high natural diversity of coronaviruses its not just the sars like corona virus is but also a range of others too and coronaviruses are not restricted to bats they exist in many mammals. They even found the corona virus in a palooka whale and its not just mammals fish to. Man up by fish and. The friedrich lefler institute on the island of reims is researching which animals carry the