Because there are 6 of us in fast success today does it seem charities c c dark and see what you can do now to change someone s life. By Don crow here catch up every week on the issues you care about from the leading Christian voices across the country on the Christian outlook you ll hear from just like Russell Moore the Bible Belt that we are going to be every culture strangers or mag I ll Rosaria Butterfield we re going. Nation no Christian could get close enough to people who hate Al that we might hurt Guinness a lot to bring in a new but. It s old and him and all we are is at best a midwife and Albert Mohler from a Christian perspective would you have come back and say you are confident in God and nothing has changed Jesus Christ to the same yesterday today and forever joined us on the Christian outlook the radio program that helps you sort through today s issues in a way that honors your Christian faith and visit us on our website at Christian outlook dot com Their Christian outl
The local Christian radio for the Western. Is leading the way with pastor and author Dr Michael Youssef and John chapter 4 we were introduced to a man who heard how Jesus healed many in neighboring towns and his son was sick this was not a touch of the flu kind of say this child was really sick this is a story modeling persistence and unwavering ever session through faith for the next generation. Please do keep in mind that leading the way as a listener supported ministry it s made possible by God s provision through your generous giving how to join with others in the giving challenge when you visit us at l t w dot org Here s Dr Michael Usef with part 3 of the series called preparing the next generation. With a pretty St John chapter 4 verse 46 to 53. Ah jackal debates biblical debates going around swarming around Jesus he perhaps did not comprehend fully the universality of the messiahship of Jesus he probably did not understand all that should have been understood about the power of
This hour we re going to ask conservative talk show host Chris buzz Kirk how Trump supporters outside Washington are feeling right now I m David Greene and I m Rachel Martin the hip hop mogul Russell Simmons is the latest high profile executive accused of sexual assault 3 women have accused him of rape and later Lattimer Putin s long game why the Russian leader is more likely to play blackjack than poker in the world of geopolitics It s Friday December 15th the birthday of Don Johnson the guy who rocked his fair share of pastel t. Shirts and blazers in Miami Vice today turned 60 years old news is next. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington one core of a Coleman congressional Republican leaders are working to secure enough support for their tax overhaul package they can only lose to Republican votes in the Senate and Tennessee Republican Senator Bob Corker has already hinted he ll vote no now Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio says he could oppose the tax bill he told a.b.c. News he
Again at 11 am on the road a 7th Day Adventist Church welcomes you to worship with them in the lovely village of sin Apollo one at the Better Living Center near the children s playground you can call them at 532439. Good morning friends and welcome to Sabbath school study our coming to you from the Granite Bay Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Sacramento California like to welcome our online members and also those who are joining us across the country and around the world and also of course the members of the visit is right here at the granite the church it s good to see you on another Sabbath morning here to study the word together we ve been study through our lesson courtly dealing with the book of Romans today we find ourselves with Lesson number the 11 which is entitled The elect for those who are joining us who don t have a copy of the Sabbath school quarterly You can download today s lesson at the amazing facts website just amazing facts dot au r.g.b. You can click on the Sabbath
Of the country we have stopped prayer in schools we murdered over $60000000.00 of our unborn children we ve redefined marriage and destroyed the basis of family which is the building block of our country Democrat Doug Jones won the election by one of the half percent margin in a race that was dominated by accusations of sexual misconduct against more protest over the tax overhaul plan in the hallways of Congress targeting g.o.p. Lawmakers as President Trump promises Americans could see lower taxes and bigger checks by February demonstrators are concerned the plan will mostly benefit the rich to help the wealthy it lowers the top individual tax rate from $39.00 down to 37 percent but what about the deficit it s still unclear how much this will ultimately cost a new analysis predicts it could add more than $1.00 trillion dollars to the nation s debt and a previous analysis of the Senate version said Americans making $75000.00 or less will pay more over the next 10 years when Democrats i