Our free-to-attend Growth Asia interactive broadcast series continues TODAY with an edition on Plant-Based Innovation, featuring expert insights from Thai Union, Impossible Foods, Hero Protein and more.
The series began last week with two editions on Healthy Ageing, and they are now available to view on demand.
Gary Scattergood, Editor-in-Chief of both titles and Regional Head APAC at publisher William Reed said:
“Across the region, the future growth potential is huge, as incomes continue to rise, urbanisation gathers pace, life expectancy increases and consumer demands rapidly evolve, not least due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“In fact, Asia is tipped to be the global driving force for growth across not only mainstream food and beverage products, but also functional foods and supplements. That’s why NutraIngredients-Asia and FoodNavigator-Asia will once again be shining the spotlight on how the industry can best navigate t
Tuesday, 06 July, 2021, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Christian Philippsen Our nutritional needs can be as unique as fingerprints. Athletes are an example of a consumer group with special nutritional requirements. Some of the more common concerns among these consumers include boosting energy levels before or during exercise, as well as post workout recovery. Research has shown that an overwhelming majority of Asian consumers turn to food and drinks for an energy boost, with energy drinks, fruits and sports drinks being particularly popular.
However, even among these active consumers, different athletes have different needs.
Endurance athletes for instance, require a diet that provides them with sustained energy. This is where functional carbohydrates, otherwise known as smart-release carbohydrates, can play a role.
Growth Asia 2021: We re live with second Healthy Ageing broadcast focusing on metabolic and digestive health - free to attend By Gary Scattergood Our free-to-watch Growth Asia interactive broadcast series continues with an edition on Healthy Ageing: Metabolic and Digestive Health, featuring a wealth of international experts to discuss how the food and nutrition industry can help fight the battles against diabetes and obesity.
The 2021 event began on Tuesday with a broadcast on Healthy Ageing: Cognition and Mobility, and that episode is now available to view on demand.
The series runs to 15th July, and forthcoming editions include Plant-based Innovation (July 6), Healthy Snacking (July 13) and Infant & Maternal Health (July 15).
Our free-to-attend Growth Asia interactive broadcast series continues tomorrow with an edition on Plant-Based Innovation, featuring expert insights from Thai Union, Impossible Foods, Hero Protein and more.
The series began last week with two editions on Healthy Ageing, and they are now available to view on demand.
Gary Scattergood, Editor-in-Chief of both titles and Regional Head APAC at publisher William Reed said:
“Across the region, the future growth potential is huge, as incomes continue to rise, urbanisation gathers pace, life expectancy increases and consumer demands rapidly evolve, not least due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“In fact, Asia is tipped to be the global driving force for growth across not only mainstream food and beverage products, but also functional foods and supplements. That’s why NutraIngredients-Asia and FoodNavigator-Asia will once again be shining the spotlight on how the industry can best navigat
Growth Asia 2021: We re live TODAY with second Healthy Ageing broadcast focusing on metabolic and digestive health - free to attend By Gary Scattergood Our free-to-watch Growth Asia interactive broadcast series continues TODAY with an edition on Healthy Ageing: Metabolic and Digestive Health, featuring a wealth of international experts to discuss how the food and nutrition industry can help fight the battles against diabetes and obesity.
The 2021 event began on Tuesday with a broadcast on Healthy Ageing: Cognition and Mobility, and that episode is now available to view on demand.
The series runs to 15th July, and forthcoming editions include Plant-based Innovation (July 6), Healthy Snacking (July 13) and Infant & Maternal Health (July 15).