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The Borg. World War. So We are the government is out of control this is a longer our service has become our masters this intimate liberty with a Freedom Rider really answer the question that truly do I think I m a liberal is a state the stratigraphic those who have given everything for this country would expect no less. Liberty former radio show Friday at 9 am act. The Patriot try to group as a different kind of goods and services company cleaning up the industry for 21 years are you tired of the high pressured sales tactics the constant fan costs are you dumb of the bait and switch you just want to be treated fairly with honesty and respect that s exactly what you get when you call 809510592 you have my word on it I m sure Jake when she hears of the Patriot trading group. You re listening to the lines can 1100 in c 1360 any chance to. Come back to the freedom and liberty forum here with a freedom writer where you re learning how to make individual government officials accountable if
What. We know our government is out of control it s no longer our servant it s become our master listen to me liberty for I m with the Freedom Rider will answer the question what can we do our freedom and liberty is a stake it s time to ask those who have given everything for this country would expect no less tune into the new Liberty form radio show Friday at 9 am. The Patriots traded group is a different kind of gold and silver company cleaning up the industry for 21 years are you tired of the high pressured sales tactics the constant phone calls or you don t want the bait and switch you just want to be treated fairly with honesty and respect that s exactly what you get when you call 80951052 you have my word on it I m Joe Jake when c.e.o. Of the Patriot trading group check us out online at all American Gold dot com h. And h. Excavation in Evans reminds listeners thousands of children are abducted every year most of the cases are quickly result often thanks to tips from caring obse
You were called to shake Mr. Horn to impact the world created to leave a legacy. For God so loved the world he gave a new Christian movement is sweeping across America today reshaping its religious landscape we are committed to seeing Jesus get 20. A world transfer. It s being spread through promotional videos like this one from Bethel riding and lead but a network of charismatic leaders called apostles who bring together tens of thousands of worshippers in stadiums and out atory across the country to experience and practice the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Their goal is to transform society and bring the kingdom of heaven to earth. Count. Will you say yes I m Laura and for heart and soul here on the b.b.c. World Service I m traveling to the edges of Los Angeles to find out what this movement is why it s growing and who is joining. Us in the story. Non-selling for us my journey began in a spacious lofty auditorium that was built during the 2nd World War to house revival camp meetings. No
Touma communities of Northern California. Broadcast Service of California State University Chico on the web at Mari n.s.p. Our daughter org. 10 hours g.m.t. Welcome to the newsroom from the b.b.c. World Service I m Nick Myles Moskos says it may have killed the leader of the Islamic state group Abu Bakr al Baghdadi in a drone strike what would his death mean for i.i.s. Meanwhile the head of the e.u. Police agency Europol says Europe is facing its highest terror threat level for a generation in London British police say they may never be able to identify all the people killed in this week s tower block fire a government minister promises action we will do whatever it takes we will take the expert advice do whatever it takes to make those buildings safe or make those people safe whatever it takes later we hear how Cubans react to Donald Trump s plans to cool relations with China and we visit the British Museum which is letting its head down the lovely bones as fit as seems like there s a