West Haven start-up aims to protect mobile device screens from nasty things
Pam McLoughlin
Christopher Mead is part of a start-up that is marketing anti-bacterial screens for phones and other touch devices. Here he is pictured with a box of the screen coverings.Contributed Photo / Contributed Photo
WEST HAVEN A local e-commerce start-up company is selling a new product billed as an anti-microbial polyurethane screen protector that, in addition to preventing damage to mobile devices, will fight germs, fungi and other “nasty things.”
Christian Mead, a partner in the new company, “ANTI,” as in anti-microbial, says the average cell phone is touched over 2,600 times a day and their new polyurethane screen protector with “anti-microbial properties” is the answer as it fights microbes. The active anti-microbial is zinc pyrithione, Mead said.