Finally, the afternoon game on Saturday provided the most thrilling feat of the whole series. The Tritons, hoping to recalibrate after losing in 2 straight near-blowouts, put up a good fight with the final score being a nail-biting 8-7 in favor of the Gauchos. In what was a back-and-forth slugfest between the two opponents, UCSB took an early 3-0 lead, which was quickly matched by the Tritons. delivers local breaking news, local sports, schools, nonprofits, obituaries, business, arts and entertainment, calendar, local opinions and more. delivers local breaking news, local sports, schools, nonprofits, obituaries, business, arts and entertainment, calendar, local opinions and more. delivers local breaking news, local sports, schools, nonprofits, obituaries, business, arts and entertainment, calendar, local opinions and more. delivers local breaking news, local sports, schools, nonprofits, obituaries, business, arts and entertainment, calendar, local opinions and more.