We go through this investigative process and we must insist on the access to do so. We must demand full, immediate, unhindered access to the site of the tragedy, including all parts of the aircraft, missile battery and site evidence and, most of all, proper treatment of the remains of the many victims. President putin by himself can ensure that success and that access and he absolutely must be required to do so. Third, we need to demand an immediate russian standdown in the ukraine. Crimes like malaysia air flight 17 can only happen in such a lawless wasteland of renegades and desperado with their fingers on the triggers of the most advanced weapons. Lawless reigns in ukraine because the government of that nation does not yet have control over its sovereign territory. The situation is greatly exacerbated as a result of president putins outrageous territorial aggression that has already severed an arm of ukraine and threatens the entire countrys disintegration. Make no mistake, the russ
Christian John Lillis, co-founder and executive director at Peggy Lillis Foundation, discusses the role of the pharmacist in education that advances C diff awareness in the medical community.
Christian John Lillis, cofounder and executive director of the Peggy Lillis Foundation for C. Diff Education & Advocacy, explained how FDA-approved microbiome-based therapeutics help to treat and prevent Clostridioides difficile infection.
To combat C difficile, Christian John Lillis, cofounder and executive director of the Peggy Lillis Foundation for C. Diff Education & Advocacy, noted that awareness and innovation must continue to increase.