i was pregnant on the beaches ofof spring break. sean: you talk about that but you also talk about it in relation to your own life. this is a pretty powerful moment where you said to yourself i m not living the right way. i was at a fraternity party. i was in a sorority. half of my sorority, really i strong christians, i would say. there was a bible study and several of us were at a separate bible study. i was living with one footot in the bar in one foot in bible study. and i am not saying you have to stop drinking, you have to do all of this if you become a christian.in a lot of people, they believe life is not going to be fun anymore but i was at a fraternity party and i asked jesus to come into my life. the whole story is in there. sean: very personal. i think a lot of people will get a lot out of it. it s called light within me, san inspirational memoir. and congrats on the show with brian and steve. we hope you will come back. congratulations.op amazon.com. hannity.com