Every time a young white male mass shooter kills more than himself, we offer thoughts and prayers for the families and then wait for the 24-hour news cycle to find something else to talk about.
In what way does marriage reflect the nature of God?
One of the most amazing and beautiful facts about the union of the woman and the man is that marriage portrays the Holy Trinity. I think this is a part of why marriage leads some to faith; it reflects the unity, the love, and the pillar of authority which are all revealed in the Trinity. Others will see our unity and love, and will know Christ.
In Holy Scripture, much of this truth is found between John 14 and 17, but you can find it elsewhere in John s Gospel and throughout the New Testament. Since Ephesians 5 teaches that man and wife are like Christ and the Church, and in John s Gospel Jesus teaches that Father and Son reflect Christ and the Church, we can see that the relationship between Father and Son sets a pattern for the relationship between Christ and the Church, which sets a pattern for husbands and wives. The relationships in the Godhead cascade down to us, in a life giving way, and full of grace for our lives. True
Carol Dweck
The unknown can be frightening for anyone, no matter the stage or season. Anytime we step outside our comfort zone and try something new, we may hear that little voice of doubt inside that says, Can I really do this?
How loud and clear that voice is depends on one s mindset.
Your daughter s mindset begins developing at a young age. Early experiences, failures and successes, as well as what she learns about learning can influence the approach she takes to meeting challenges, solving problems or resolving conflict. Her mindset is an important determining factor for whether or not she can handle what comes her way or allows it to handle her.