The United States Supreme Court ended its most recent judicial term this week in a characteristically dramatic fashion. The Court often leaves the most contentious and controversial cases to be decided last, and this year was no exception. A deeply divided Court split 5-4 over the hashtag-friendly Burwell v. Hobby Lobby case, an innocuous name…
The Wonderful World of Wanzie: A sea of expectations
By : Michael Wanzie
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Michael Wanzie
I am pleased as punch to welcome you to The Wonderful World Of Wanzie. In order for you the reader to ascribe any worth to my words appearing in this space about once every four issues, I feel I should share with you mywork history from which I have gleaned my many life lessons and personal philosophies.
Having considered myself an actor for most of my life I can of course offer up an impressive list of restaurants from which I have earned a wage but most notably I hold the distinction of having been the first male “Johnsons’ Girl” (That was the pay code on my checks from Howard Johnson’s “28 Flavors”) in the state of Florida!
an american guy, christian caucasian was attacking with a bomb over there, arrested just before the event. we need to investigate, but not only one community, especially a faith-based community. this is an indictment of our faith which is not fair. we need to prevent another 9/11 having paid the ultimate price who else would be more concerned but not at the cost of our liberties, our civil rts, our constitutional rights. what peter king is doing, he is demonizing, stigmatizing the american muslims. eric holder did not say any such thing he is claiming. yes, he stays awake at night, not because of terrorism because of muslim radicalization. because of radicalization in the general domestic population.