i will. undoubtedly, christian s mom is going to play that video of her son. have you thought about how you re going to handle that moment? i haven t. i mean, i ve thought about the moment, but i haven t necessarily thought about how i m going to handle it. that will be the same moment theoretically you ll have to say good-bye to your kids. well, it s not it s not the same. me saying good-bye to my kids, i m going to be down the street. i ll be back in a little while. is completely different than the kind of good-bye they had to give to their kids. their kids aren t coming back. you want to go to mommy? carlton s wife, suzie, means even a reduced sentence will mean she will raise their two young children alone. you will then be there to see
drugs. thanks to their efforts north dakota has put in new legislation banning a number of synthetics, and federally the drug that killed christian and elijah is now on the list of banned substances. the stuff is not safe just because you can order it on the internet. don t be fooled by that. don t put yourself and your family in the position that these families in grand forks found themselves. talk to your kids, that synthetic drugs are dangerous. all drugs are dangerous. this was done for the memorial for eli. his friend signed that. that came. the family of elijah stai say they do hope their son s death can be a warning to others about the dangers of synthetic designer drugs. our lives were turned upside down. our lives will never be the same. i don t know if you can really put something like that into words, what your life is like after you lose a kid.
futures for no reason. cameras are not allowed federal court. charles carlton with his wife quietly crying one row behind him is sentenced to 20 years in prison. outside court the bjerks leave for the last time. their sentence is for life. it s never going to be done. christian was he was a child. he s our flesh and blood. he s someone who was so important to us we would have given our lives for him. and you know, our job now is just to get the word out there to the rest of the people so no other families have to go through this kind of thing and to honor our son, to honor his memory. all the kids and young adults here today, please tell them the story since their son christian s death the bjerks have become activists, getting out the word on the dangers of synthetic
substances including synthetic cannabinoids, a hallucinogenic triptamine. how dangerous is this from a chemical compound situation? quite dangerous. there s a whole range of reported effects ranging from rapid or irregular heartbeat, hallucinogenic effects, seizures, psychosis. there have been several reported suicides. and in grand forks, north dakota the deaths of elijah stein and christian bjerk. it turns out the drugs that killed elijah and christian arrived in grand forks by mail. purchased over the internet by a local drug dealer. he was one of the primary sources of supply for controlled substances in this area. but finding that dealer would turn out to be only the beginning in unraveling this deadly mystery which was about to take yet another turn.
2012 police in grand forks, north dakota were facing a new threat on this city s streets. and then you found this other guy in a car. correct. naked? he was naked, yeah. the naked teenager and the young man yelling at the car would live. but police already knew the young man lying face down on the sidewalk was dead. and in the small city of grand forks they also knew who he was. he teared up and i didn t know what was going on. i said what s the matter? he said it s christian. i said, what? he said, he s deceased. and he just hung his head. and you know, those moments, you just don t forget them. christian bjurt was a star high school football player. the police officer who came to notify his parents, keith and debbie, had been christian s youth football coach. it never occurred to me that