MURPHY S LAW: ISIL Slaving Survives
April 17, 2021: ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) is still holding and selling captive Iraqi Yazidi women as slaves, and now some of these slave sales are being carried out on the dark web. These are internet sites that are deliberately kept from being found and listed by Internet search engines, like Google. All manner of secretive business takes place on the dark web, much of it of a criminal nature. Access to dark web sites is difficult to obtain, but once the web ID is known the owners and users can sometimes be tracked down. At the very least the server (hard drive holding the web site data and connected to the web) can be seized or forced to disconnect because it is now known. Dark web sites are used by smugglers, especially people smugglers who are moving or literally selling captive women. In one early 2021 incident Turkish police were notified that a seven-year-old Yazidi girl was being off