Greenhouses are an invaluable resource for faculty and students, but to maintain MSU’s leadership in plant science, upgrades are critical.
Strolling through the greenhouses on the campus of Michigan State University as part of her daily routine, Chrislyn Particka
MSU greenhouses: Infrastructure that leads to innovation
Greenhouses are an invaluable resource for faculty and students, but to maintain MSU’s leadership in plant science, upgrades are critical.
April 29, 2021
Greenhouses are an invaluable resource for faculty and students, but to maintain MSU’s leadership in plant science, upgrades are critical.
Strolling through the greenhouses on the campus of Michigan State University as part of her daily routine, Chrislyn Particka is always thinking. Always planning. Always considering new and creative ways to utilize the space and budget resources more efficiently.
As director of the Plant Science Research Greenhouse Facility, it’s her job to ensure the operation runs smoothly for the more than 60 researchers who rely on it. She’s part plant scientist, project coordinator and budget adviser.