Hannah Rose and the Sweet Nothings, a string band from nearby Bloomington, Illinois, provided the soundtrack to a dance-filled evening at the Rose Bowl Tavern on Thursday. The group performed covers of classic musical standards including folk, swing, jazz and more. The group visited as part of the 16th annual CU Folk and Roots Winter.
Pádraig Ó Tuama, host: My name is Pádraig Ó Tuama, and poetry, for me, has become a scripture that is in partnership with my life. I trust that somebody around the world has written a poem that is going to be sufficient for the moments of my life where I need something that hasn’t been said to me before. And if I can’t find it, I try to write it.
Ó Tuama: “All My Friends Are Finding New Beliefs” by Christian Wiman:
“All my friends are finding new beliefs.
This one converts to Catholicism and this one to trees.