and therefore you have a real crossing between first amendment freedoms and oversealousness on the part of the justice department. i agree it is important to investigate leaks and we said that and would say it right now. i would argue in both the mishandling of this case and the ap case the justice department has damaged their ability to investigate leaks properly because they haven t followed the rules and in this case the attorney general has to answer for it in particular. chris: gentlemen, i have got to break in here. only a couple of minutes left and i want to get to one more question that i think you you will both agree is very he important. this month the senate is going to consider a comprehensive immigration reform plan including a path to citizenship. congressman goodlatte you are at the senor in of this in the house. will you support a comprehensive immigration reform plan or does it have to be done piece meal, piece by
under barack obama has gotten so big that his main defense is look i don t know anything about any of these scandals because everything underneath me is so big and unwieldy i can t possibly know about it. that is a world and an america that our founding fathers didn t fight for. i think that we need to go back to a constitutional america that respects the bill of rights that this president and this ag don t do. chris: i want to ask you also about the videos coming out of irs conferences. let s put them up on the screen. millions of dollars. $49 million spent on 220 conferences over three years. irs conferences at which sort of like the gsa, they had these parties and they were spending here is the video now. i m not quite sure i see the humor in all of this but in any case spent moll millions of dos on the videos and conferences. what does that say to you?
and certainly nixon couldn t have made it because he had ideas and we might have made it but i doubt it. i mean chris: too moderate. too willing to compromise? i just considered myself a republican. on this of this hyphenated stuff. chris: what he is saying is that the republican party basically has moved out of the mainstream? you know what, look, he is a hero in this country and we all love bob dole but the reality is if you look at the last two nominees, mitt romney and john mccain i think that is a pretty good counter position to what senator dole had to say. i think we have the tale of two parties here. number one, we have got a party that in the off year wins about everything imaginable. governors across the country. state legislatures. on the issues, we win races. we win races. then you have a presidential election. if we are being honest about it we haven t decenter icively won a presidential race in 24 years.
understated unintended consequences. all kinds of bad things we don t anticipate. chris: are you saying let assad win? i m not saying, there may not be realistic alternative. we had a no-fly zone in iraq. what happened after that. are we really going to send hundred thousand troops into syria? chris: so saddam hussein, keep him in power? we have to do what we can do for our allies. the greatest failure of this president has been to grow from the scene and when united states doesn t move swiftly when we had a chance to get assad out of there. if we hadn t pulled out of iraq it might have been stable by now. chris: don t forget panel plus where we pick up
i think they ought to put a sign on the national committee he doors that says closed for repairs until new year s day next year. chris: former senator bob dole made quite a patch with the advice for the splash with the advice for the republican party in our interview last sunday. short of standing down what should the gop do as it heads for the 2014 election and beyond? we asked reince priebus to talk about it. deb bewasserman schultz turned us down. i asked whether he or even ronald reagan could make it in today s republican party. here is what he said. reagan couldn t have made it