default on your loan or pay off your bill on time or run up $500 on your credit card in a given month, on trying to predict who you are going vote in november, who are you likely to vote for, what issues do you care about. woodruff: that s all ahead on tonight s newshour. major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: bnsf and from carnegie foundation and with the ongoing support of these institutions and foundations. and. this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. brown: protesters poured into streets around the world today, outraged by a film made in california that mocks islam and the prophet muhammad. they vented their fury in at least 20 countries, and violence broke out in a number of cities, especially in the middle east and africa. at least four people were killed. u.s. embassies were the focus of much of the wrath, but appeared to escape seri
sreenivasan talks with journalist sasha issenberg about his new book exploring how the campaigns are mining data to boost turnout in november. whether you are likely to default on your loan or pay off your bill on time or run up $500 on your credit card in a given month, on trying to predict who you are going vote in november, who are you likely to vote for, what issues do you care about. woodruff: that s all ahead on tonight s newshour. major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: bnsf and from carnegie foundation and with the ongoing support of these institutions and foundations. and. this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. brown: protesters poured into streets around the world today, outraged by a film made in california that mocks islam and the prophet muhammad. they vented their fury in at least 20 countries, and violence broke out in a nu
recovery? what threat does rising gas hold especially with all of this. melissa: charlie gasparino has more on a story he has been breaking. are the red sox looking for a buyer into good it the? we will have the latest here. lori: let s head straight to the floor of the new york stock exchange. nicole: we have seen stocks taking off, moving to multi- year highs. the nasdaq is at 12 year highs. the dow just a little away from its all-time high. that was back in october of 2007. we have seen lots of games across the board. i wanted to take a look at and what x. the ftc has charged them with improper distribution. saying they sent it out to preparatory clients. an undertaking now that they will have to hire a consultant. that is the nyse. also, i want to talk about the dow. kraft will be leaving the dow. this will occur on the close of trading on september 21. kraft is spinning off. the new business will have a smaller market cap. back to you. lori: thank you so much. later this