Toronto, Ontario (Newsfile Corp. - June 11, 2021) - Stormcrow Holdings Corp (TSXV: CROW.P) ("Stormcrow" or the "Corporation") is pleased to provide a business updating press release, included below,
Stormcrow Holdings Corp. Provides Update on Qualifying Transaction with Highmark Interactive and Details of Concurrent Financing Led by Beacon Securities Limited
Stormcrow or the
Company ) is providing an update on the arm s length transaction with Highmark Interactive (
Highmark ), a company existing under the laws of Ontario, previously announced in a news release dated December 11, 2020, by which the parties intend to effect a reverse takeover of Stormcrow by Highmark, which transaction will constitute Stormcrow s qualifying transaction under TSX Venture Exchange (
TSXV ) Policy 2.4 (the
Proposed Transaction ). Trading in the common shares of Stormcrow (
Stormcrow Shares ) has been halted in accordance with TSXV policies since the date of the initial announcement, and will remain halted until such time as all required documentation has been filed with and accepted by the TSXV in connection with the Proposed Transaction. There can be no assurances that the Proposed Tr
Stormcrow Holdings Corp. Announces Qualifying Transaction with Highmark Innovations Inc.
Stormcrow or the
LOI ) dated December 11, 2020 with Highmark Innovations Inc. (
Highmark ), a software developer for medical diagnostics doing business as Highmark Interactive (the
Transaction ). The LOI outlines the principal terms and conditions for the Transaction, which will result in a reverse takeover of Stormcrow by Highmark and its shareholders (the
Resulting Issuer ).
The Corporation is a Capital Pool Company and intends for the transaction with Highmark to constitute a Qualifying Transaction (as such terms are defined in Policy 2.4 -
Capital Pool Companies (the
TSXV )).
Trading in the common shares of the Corporation has been halted while the parties advance their respective due diligence and finalize the terms of the proposed transaction. Trading will remain halted until, among other things, the Corporation completes certain regulatory filings in connection with the