Marietta Schools Hack+Ohio Census Data+Critical Race Theory Bill - Marietta, OH - In just five minutes with the Marietta Daily, you will be caught up and ready for the rest of your day.
A screenshot of the Georgia booking information for Nick John Francis Hall. (Chris Schmitt, Patch Staff)
MARIETTA, OH With any luck, the rash of bomb threats here in Washington County are over. An arrest was made in Georgia and an 18-year-old man by the name Nicholas John Francis Hall is behind bars waiting for extradition. Here is a news release from the Washington County Sheriff s Office.
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UpdatedWed, May 12, 2021 at 5:01 pm ET
An image of a part of Marietta City s nuisance complaint form. (Chris Schmitt, Patch Staff)
MARIETTA, OH Changes have just been made to Marietta City codified ordinances pertaining to the International Property Maintenance Code. That sounds really boring, but it isn t, fines have been doubled. What this means for you is if a neighbor reports your property to the city for being against code, you could see a city official knocking on your door asking you to fix it.
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What's Happening In Marietta This Week - Marietta, OH - Marietta Mayor Josh Schlicher sat down with Patch to talk about what's going on in our city this week.
UpdatedMon, May 10, 2021 at 5:26 pm ET
An image of the Washington County Public Library in Marietta, OH. (Chris Schmitt, Patch Staff)
MARIETTA, OH The Washington County Public Library is trying to get back to where they were pre-pandemic. They are at limited capacity right now. Justin Mayo, Director of the Washington County Public Library said that it s going to stay that way until health restrictions ease up.
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