BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) — Chris Scanlon is the newest Buffalo Common Council president. Scanlon, who represents the South District in the common council, won with an 8-0 vote. All members of the common council voted for him except Councilman Rasheed Wyatt of University District, who voted “no.” Since Scanlon, 42, has been in office, he […]
Inside Council Chambers for the last time as members of Buffalo's Common Council Council President Darius Pridgen and Masten District Council member Ulysees Wingo shared their farewells.
BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) — The start of the new year means a new Buffalo Common Council will be sworn in and a new common council president will be chosen. The short list for council president includes current Majority Leader and Niagara District Councilman David Rivera and current President Pro Tempore and South District Councilman Chris […]