Weinstein all began when rose mcgowan sounded off against the movie mogul. Today, rose delivered her first public speech on the issue of sexual assault. It was an astonishing display of fire and emotion as rose fights to change hollywood. We are pure. We are strong we are brave and rewill fight [ cheers and applause ] reporter rose mcgowan raised her the fist in the air and called for the Entertainment Industry to clean house. We are here. We will not go away reporter the actress, best known for her roles in charmed and scream kicked off the Womens Convention in detroit. Rose was among the women cited in an explosive New York Times story earlier this month as having settled Sexual Harassment claims against weinstein. And then, two weeks ago, she claimed on twitter that weinstein raped her. The triggering has been insane. The monsters face everywhere. My nightmare. Reporter weinstein quote une quifly denies accusations of unconsensual sex. Reporter Actress Ashley Judd was presented the
Mike i cant take this. [ sniffles ] lemonis southbridge, massachusetts, seems like a quiet town until you get inside of sjc custom drums. Mike sjc. This is mike. Lemonis mike and his brother, scott, started making drums in 2000. But after a serious falling out, a deafening silence has divided them for years. Mike not being able to have a brother i mean, you only get one life. Lemonis since then, mike and his righthand man, chris, have tried to keep the company going. Chris were about 30,000 behind right now on bills. Lemonis sjc drums are among the very best, and performers like imagine dragons, green day, and lady gaga swear by their sound, but sjcs lack of inventory and working capital. Mike where are we even gonna get the money from . Lemonis . Has them in a terrible financial snare. Man im calling about the order i placed about six months ago and still havent seen. Lemonis its time for sjc to march to a new beat. Mike its like i can only take so much, you know. Lemonis or this cust
There was Something Big going on there. Had no idea what we were getting into. Reminds me of indiana jones. One wrong turn and it could be your last. This really cant be happening. We didnt realize there would be a predator. Reporter they say if youre feeling down, its time to saddle up. With a little love, trust, and respect, these majestic creatures can emerge as loyal and gentle companions. For both horse and rider, theres nothing like it. She transformed into this awesome horse handler. And she knew what she was doing and what she was talking about. Reporter if only romantic relationships were that simple. This is the story of a young woman, so gentle, so vulnerable. She may have understood what makes horses tick, but humans . A different beast indeed. This doesnt happen to people we know. It just doesnt. It was crushing. I cried. I cried for days. I still cry when i think about it. Not really sure what type of person it takes to do that. Reporter oak ridge, tennessee, nestled alon
There was Something Big going on there. Had no idea what we were getting into. Reminds me of indiana jones. One wrong turn and it could be your last. This really cant be happening. We didnt realize there would be a predator. We know. It just doesnt. It was crushing. I cried. I cried for days. I still cry when i think about it. Not really sure what type of person it takes to do that. Reporter oak ridge, tennessee, nestled along the beautiful clinch river, is an unassuming place with a big story. Atomic capital of the world, oak ridge, tennessee. Home of manhattan project. They call it the secret city for its part in the manhattan project, which produced the first atomic bomb. Oak ridge still prides itself on being a community that values science and education. And its a good place to raise a family. This is where Erin Heavilin grew up. When erin was three weeks old she joined our family as a foster child. She was a tee tiny little thing. She i think she was five pounds, three ounces whe
Business here and around the world, with a dow closing at an alltime high. This, as President Trump canceled obamas softer policies on cuba. Slamming obamas move as a, quote, onesided deal that benefitted and enriched the castro regime. Now the president also promised to expose the crimes of cubas communist dictatorship. Therefore, effective immediately, i am cancelling the last administrations completely onesided deal with cuba. [cheers] the president s latest move in making good on his promise to the American People to undo the stultifying legacy of president obama. Heres what President Trump has done. As Health Reform and tax reform continue to wait in the wings. So far President Trump has issued 16 executive actions. Rolling back numerous obamacare and doddfrank provisions that have stuck Economic Growth below 2 an average for the last eight years. Bank of america says these moves could possibly unlock, watch this. 2 trillion in bank capital sitting on the sidelines because of dodd