OSCEOLA MILLS — Despite the pouring rain, the annual Osceola Mills Car Show went on as planned with little-to-no hitches. The event is held yearly to signify the beginning of
When Northview's boys basketball team takes the floor in November, there will be a new name pacing the sidelines as the program's head coach. On Thursday afternoon, Michael Byrum announced via his.
The number of students using vape devices is reaching epidemic levels, and staff members told the school board trustees at Thursday's meeting. Clay Community School Curricular and Grant coordinator.
With Clay City and Northview scheduled to play a boys basketball game against each other for the first time in 733 days, there was a prime opportunity for the school's principals Clay City's Jeff.
Golden Apple: Northview High School s Michelle Ruhe
Our next Golden Apple award winner teaches her students a saying she tries to emulate. Find a career you love, and you will never work a day in your life.
Posted: May 6, 2021 8:17 AM
Posted By: Staff Report
BRAZIL, Ind. (WTHI) - Our next Golden Apple award winner teaches her students a saying she tries to emulate. Find a career you love, and you will never work a day in your life.
Michelle Ruhe at Northview High School has been doing a job she loves for the last 24 years.
Ruhe teaches 9th thru 12th grade Famly and Consumer Sciences.