Alliance Technical Group, LLC, (“ATG”) issued a December 6th news release stating that it had acquired GBMc & Associates (“GBMc”). ATG states that the acquisition was.
Jamie Shepherd and 16th-ranked BYU women s soccer upended sister Jenna and the Wolverines 3-0 in the opening round of the NCAA Tournament Friday night.
The Greenfield Suburban boys basketball program is holding tryouts on Oct. 25 and 27 at Greenfield High School. Tryouts for those in grades 5-and-6 runs from 6-7:15 p.m. while the tryouts for grades 7-and-8 is from 7:15-8:30 p.m. For more information.
The Greenfield Suburban boys basketball program is holding tryouts on Oct. 25 and 27 at Greenfield High School. Tryouts for those in grades 5-and-6 runs from 6-7:15 p.m. while the tryouts for grades 7-and-8 is from 7:15-8:30 p.m. For more information.