Health2047 Spins Out SiteBridge Research Launches to Improve Clinical Trial Access for Small and Community Physician Practices
What You Should Know:
– Health2047, the innovation arm of the American Medical Association, today announced the spinout of a new company, SiteBridge Research, that offers a more accessible way for a broader set of physicians and their patients to participate in clinical research.
– SiteBridge Research creates a network of independent, small practice physicians to gather data from a broader, more inclusive patient population and, ultimately, create more widely applicable clinical trial results.
– SiteBridge’s executive team taps both physician and pharma industry perspectives. The company was founded by Manesh R. Patel, M.D., chief of the division of Cardiology and division of Clinical Pharmacology at Duke University School of Medicine. The chief executive officer is Chris Komelasky, formerly an executive at PPD, a global pharmaceutical contract