The Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School committee has tentatively scheduled an executive session, meeting with legal counsel to discuss appealing the decision of the Oak Bluffs planning board that stymied the school track and field project, due to concerns over synthetic turf. At Tuesday’s special committee meeting, three options were presented to members as viable […]
The Oak Bluffs planning board voted 2-2 Wednesday to deny the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School a special permit triggered by a bylaw related to water protection. Initially, the planning board reviewed the project, which includes a 400-meter track, one grass field, and a synthetic turf game field, under a site plan review. That application […]
The Oak Bluffs planning board will finally deliberate and take a vote on the special permit for a synthetic turf field and track project at Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School on Wednesday, May 4. On Thursday, the board gave school officials and their consultants an opportunity to rebut some of the testimony given during the […]
ANDOVER — The Select Board voted to disapprove of all six special town meeting warrant articles while the School Committee voted to disapprove of three of the six at a