Next month's ballot is extensive, featuring races for sheriff, Knox County Commission, Knox County Board of Education and judicial contests, among others.
Hannah Hopper, chief of staff for the Emerald Youth Foundation, is expected to be elected chair of the Knox County Election Commission at a reorganizational meeting Wednesday at the small assembly room in the City County Building.
Commissioner Bob Bowman, who’s just been reappointed to the commission board, said he plans to nominate Hopper with his daughter, Mary Caroline, a West High School freshman, in mind.
“I want my daughter to have a model Republican to look up to,” he said. “Hannah is a strong conservative female. She’s smart and needs to be a leader.”
Hopper, 34, apparently will be the youngest chair to serve and the first Republican woman. Another woman who held the position was the late Chief U.S. District Court Judge Pam Reeves, a Democrat, from 2003-08.